Each Thursday I review a book or blog related to scrapbooking.
The Review
One of my favorite photography blogs is Shutter Sisters. Shutter Sisters is written by 14 women, who are professional and passionate photographers.
I reviewed the posts from February 13 to March 13, 2011. There were a total of 28 posts. Now you might be thinking: “I could never keep up with that many posts.” Yes, you can. Yes, you must. Their posts are short and sweet. Each post has a photo and a few brief, but inspirational words. Sometimes the words include a how-to. Sometimes the words are about their personal life. Sometimes the words are about our world. The photographs are all lovely. Some include people, most are just things in our world. I come to this blog for the photographs, but stay for the words.
Publishers and Authors
If you are a publisher or an author and would like me to review your scrapbooking-related book or blog, please email me at stephaniemedleyrath at gmail dot com.
Stephanie Medley-Rath is a sociologist and scrapbooker who studies scrapbooking and memory keeping. Scrapworthy Lives is a blog focused on her sociological analysis of scrapbooking, with a sprinkling of posts about Stephanie's own scrapbooking projects.