Did I Accomplish Much Scrapbooking on the Road?

This entry is part 8 of 37 in the series Minimalist Scrapbooking

I am really glad that I created a skeleton of a scrapbook for my vacation.

I always would bring some paper with me to record what we did each day, but I never wrote very much. I usually ended up with just a list of the things we did or saw each day.

Having the scrapbook with me served as a constant reminder that I needed to record more details. Moreover, I knew that I would not have to write my journaling again because it was being immediately recorded in the scrapbook that I was making specifically for this trip.

How much did I get done, though? The first couple of evenings I sat down and recorded some of the stories from the day. I sorted through the memorabilia I had collected and even added a bit to the scrapbook. The next couple of days were so exhausting that I had no interest in working on the scrapbook.

We visited both San Diego and Los Angeles. I point this out because they are about an hour and a half drive from each other. On our second to last day, we drove back to L.A. I completed most of my journaling and memorabilia sorting during this drive. If you have a trip with some down time like this, you can count on using this time to scrapbook.

What would I do different? I probably would take less stuff. I didn’t take much, but I really only used the scissors, glue stick, and pens. I did use the stamp and the ink and the stapler, but only like once. I didn’t use my double-sided adhesive at all on the trip (which is about all I use at home). These tools could wait until I got home. In the era of charges for luggage, you have to prioritize. I would definitely bring the scissors, glue stick, and pens on a future trip.

You may be wondering how beat up the scrapbook got from traveling on the road. Well, here it is:

The cover and pages were no worse off than before our trip. I was missing one of my twist ties but it turned up in the bottom of my purse.

I would complete another scrapbook on the road in a heartbeat. Stay tuned for more posts about the completion of this mini-book.

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Series NavigationA Stack of Brown Cardstock ScrapsAfter the Trip: Scrapbook on the Road
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