A Simplified Week in the Life

I was super-excited when Ali Edwards chose the summertime to do Week in the Life. I knew if it were during the spring, fall, or winter I would not be able to participate due to work. Unfortunately, my summer to-do list is probably only about halfway finished and I have about four weeks before my fall semester begins.

I added a blog badge announcing I would be joining in, but took it down because I thought I wouldn’t participate during the actual week with Ali. And then I thought, there is no way. I am working on a Summer Stories project and am prepping another travel scrapbook for a trip I am taking in August. How on earth am I going to squeeze in a Week in a Life?

Time for a new strategy. Yesterday, I decided, yes I will participate. I had already been brainstorming ways to simplify the process. I built my album yesterday.

My goal is to record in writing 3-5 things each day.
I am taking photos, but am not photographing everything. I am opting to use my Ipod touch to take my photos. I will not be doing any post-process editing of photos as I would be doing if I used my DSLR.

What I write and what I photograph might be two different things.

I started with this album from Russel + Hazel:

I decided to stick with an orange theme to go along with the album. I made a two page framework for each day of the week and will add an additional page for any days if needed.

You can view the rest of the framework on flickr.

Are you participating in Week in the Life? What is your strategy for completing the project? Comment below or join the conversation on facebook or twitter.

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