Scrapbook Shopping While on Vacation

This entry is part 60 of 86 in the series Scrapworthy Lives Results

Each Wednesday, I write a post from my dissertation.

A few respondents shop at local scrapbook stores while vacationing. A major reason people do this is because those stores might have something their store back home does not carry.

Scrapbook shopping while on vacation is an underdeveloped aspect of my research.

Anecdotely, I can report that it was common to get customers who were traveling. Some were local travelers, but others were international travelers. I remember one man customer who came in with a list of things his wife wanted him to buy for her while he was in the states. They lived in Australia and she learned about new products from the scrapbook magazines.

I have also been contacted by international readers at Scrapbook Update about the struggles getting scrapbook supplies where they live. Those who are able to travel to the States, then might be more likely to shop for scrapbook supplies while they are here.

Personally, I sometimes visit stores when I travel, but I usually do buy postcards, patches, and other odds and ends to use in my scrapbook for that trip.

Do you ever shop for scrapbook supplies while on vacation? Join the conversation below or on facebook.

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