Scrapbooking is Deviant?

This entry is part 9 of 86 in the series Scrapworthy Lives Results

Each Wednesday, I write a post from my dissertation.

Is scrapbooking deviant?

No. I suppose sometimes it could be considered deviant. I suppose sometimes a person could be a deviant scrapbooker.

Is scrapbooking criminal?

No. I suppose you could run into recording someone illegally and run afoul of the law that way.

So if scrapbooking is not deviant and is not criminal, why do we talk about it as if it is?

Scrapbookers talk about being addicted to scrapbooking. They refer to their supplies as their stash. Some mention they are stigmatized as scrapbookers. Lastly, scraplifting—the act of copying other’s layout designs—is completely acceptable.

Over the next few weeks, I will discuss each of the ways scrapbookers talk about their hobby as deviance.

Don’t forget, you can always email me your questions and suggestions. Email me at stephaniemedleyrath at gmail dot com or contact me here and let me know what you’re thinking, what you’d like to see, and any questions you might have. I will personally respond to your emails and may use your questions in future articles.


Series NavigationHello. My Name is Stephanie and I’m Addicted to Scrapbooking.Stigmatized Scrapbookers
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