In Case You Haven’t Heard…My Appearance on Paperclipping Roundtable

I was so honored to be invited to appear on last week’s episode of Paperclipping Roundtable and talk about my dissertation.

The whole experience was a bit nerve-racking as I knew there would be some discussion about my dissertation. I didn’t know the whole show was going to be about my dissertation until I received an email the day before we recorded with specific topics to address.

I know hearing the word dissertation can make you shudder or put you to sleep, but have felt all along that if people just gave me a chance, they would find my study interesting, too.

I’m so glad that even if I bore some, there are people out there that both appreciate the work I’ve done and want to hear about it. Thanks for listening!

If you listened, what did you like/dislike about this episode? Comment below or join the conversation on facebook or twitter.

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