Category Archives: Classification
Rule #1: Archival Quality of Materials
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Scrapbookers should use “appropriate” materials in their scrapbooks, by which industry workers mean archival[1] though every respondent broke this rule at least some of the time. One industry worker states, “if you’re going … Continue reading
The First Rule of Scrapbooking is that There are No Rules
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Industry workers in particular emphasize that there are no rules of scrapbooking, which is something many scrapbookers find appealing about the hobby. Digging deeper, one quickly realizes, that there are no … Continue reading
Scrapbooking Styles
Traditional, digital, and hybrid scrapbooking can be considered scrapbooking methods. These methods can be still further distinguished into styles. A person’s scrapbooking style signals where he or she fits in the social world of scrapbooking. Similar to drumming (Curran 1996) … Continue reading
How Do You Scrapbook?: Traditional and Digital Scrapbooking
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. I conducted my interviews in 2008. I focused on scrapbookers who scrapbook conventionally or traditionally (i.e., with paper, adhesive, and printed photographs). I did not set out to explore the world … Continue reading
No Longer Attending Crops?
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. The last few weeks, I’ve written about attending crops. Some scrapbookers no longer crop with others for several reasons. The scrapbooker now has a permanent space in her or his home to … Continue reading
Socializing at Crops
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. For some scrapbookers, physically spending time with a specific person is just as, if not more important than actually accomplishing the scrapbooking. Some crop with religious groups strengthening their involvement with … Continue reading
Attending Crops
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Cropping space may be temporary or permanent. Temporary cropping spaces may be within the scrapbooker’s home, another person’s home, or a more public place like a scrapbook store or a … Continue reading
Cropping Inside and Outside the Home
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. It has been awhile since I last posted on my doctoral research. The last portion I wrote about had to do with scrapbook shopping. Today, I am going to start … Continue reading
A Roundup of Scrapbooking and Shopping Posts
Each Wednesday, I write a post from my dissertation. Over the last two months, I have written about some aspect of scrapbooking and shopping. Before I move on to cropping, here is a collection of the links to all of … Continue reading
Product Selection at Local Scrapbook Stores
Each Wednesday, I write a post from my dissertation. During the time of my interviews (2008), there was a clear distinction between the products that were available at local scrapbook stores and chain stores but the chain stores were encroaching … Continue reading