Tag Archives: Dissertation
The Rules of Scrapbooking Link Round-Up
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Over the last few weeks, I have focused on the “rules” or “guidelines” of scrapbooking. Here are the links to those posts: How Do You Scrapbook?: Traditional and Digital Scrapbooking Scrapbooking … Continue reading
Rule #5 and Beyond
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Most respondents could only identify rules of scrapbooking when pressed. I asked my respondents what they would tell a new scrapbooker. In addition to the previously discussed rules (#1, #2, #3, … Continue reading
Rule #4: Enjoy Scrapbooking
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Another rule of scrapbooking has to do with its purpose. Regardless of whether a scrapbooker is creating scrapbooks for future generations or to commerate a special occasion, respondents agreed that scrapbooking … Continue reading
Children Don’t Follow the Rules of Scrapbooking
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Industry workers believe that the reason they had few scrapbookers who are not adults is because children and teenagers are not scrapbooking “in the safe way” (i.e., following the “rules” by … Continue reading
Rule #3: Design
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Industry workers disagree as to rules about what a scrapbook should actually look like. Some think that scrapbookers should be familiar with basic color theory and design composition. One industry worker … Continue reading
Rule #2: Appropriate Tools
Appropriate materials refer to both archival quality of the items in the scrapbook and also, appropriate tools. For example, industry workers try to sell new scrapbookers a paper trimmer to cut photos and paper with. Scissors, which most people already … Continue reading
Rule #1: Archival Quality of Materials
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Scrapbookers should use “appropriate” materials in their scrapbooks, by which industry workers mean archival[1] though every respondent broke this rule at least some of the time. One industry worker states, “if you’re going … Continue reading
The First Rule of Scrapbooking is that There are No Rules
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. Industry workers in particular emphasize that there are no rules of scrapbooking, which is something many scrapbookers find appealing about the hobby. Digging deeper, one quickly realizes, that there are no … Continue reading
Scrapbooking Styles
Traditional, digital, and hybrid scrapbooking can be considered scrapbooking methods. These methods can be still further distinguished into styles. A person’s scrapbooking style signals where he or she fits in the social world of scrapbooking. Similar to drumming (Curran 1996) … Continue reading
How Do You Scrapbook?: Traditional and Digital Scrapbooking
Each Wednesday, I usually write a post from my dissertation. I conducted my interviews in 2008. I focused on scrapbookers who scrapbook conventionally or traditionally (i.e., with paper, adhesive, and printed photographs). I did not set out to explore the world … Continue reading