Tag Archives: Homeward Bound
Do Something that Matters
A couple of weeks ago a friend posted a link to the following article on facebook and a few hours later a reader emailed it to me as well. The article is a wonderful and thought provoking piece from Slate: … Continue reading
Homeward Bound: Chapter 10 (The Last Chapter)
This is the last (planned) post on Homeward Bound by Emily Matchar. Matchar writes how writing this book allowed her to “realize that domestic perfection on the Internet is often an illusion” (p. 231). Absolutely! Personally, when I began this … Continue reading
Homeward Bound: Chapter 9
In Chapter 9 of Homeward Bound, Emily Matchar explains how new domesticity brings together folks who seem like polar opposites. New domesticity appeals to both liberals and conservatives for some of the same reasons and for reasons that differ. I’ll … Continue reading
Homeward Bound: Chapter 8: Social Class and Gender Inequality
In my last post, I did touch on Chapter 8, but one point from that chapter deserves its own post. To live off the grid typically requires “a partner’s income, or a piece of land, or some family money” (p. … Continue reading
Homeward Bound: Chapter 5, 6, 7, and 8
Congratualations Rhonda HH! She won a copy of Homeward Bound. Now let’s chat about Chapter 5, 6, and 7 from Homeward Bound by Emily Matchar. As I began reviewing Chapter 5 (DIY food cultures) for this post, I couldn’t help … Continue reading
Homeward Bound Giveaway Take Two
I have been writing sporadically over the past few months about Homeward Bound and what it means about scrapbooking. I was able to do a giveaway of the book with my last post. Melissa Shanhun won! Unfortunately, she lives in … Continue reading
The Etsy “Business” Model
I don’t have time to devote to an analysis of this article from Slate on Etsy’s economic impact at the moment, but thought it is a worthwhile read in the context of Homeward Bound.
Homeward Bound: Chapter 4
I’ve been writing about Homeward Bound a bit sporadically over the past couple of months. In Chapter 4 of Homeward Bound, Matchar critiques Etsy and “mompreneuership.” Matchar sets the stage for a feminist critique of Etsy with these statistics: 97% of Etsy … Continue reading
Homeward Bound: Chapter 3
Oops! It’s been over a month since I last blogged. I suppose it is fitting that today I am going to write about chapter 3 of Homeward Bound which is about the blogosphere. In chapter three, Emily Matchar tackles the … Continue reading
Homeward Bound: Chapter 2
(The image above is an affiliate link. I do have to pay hosting and domain costs, afterall.) Chapter 2 As America industrialized, cash for work became highly valued. Emily Matcher writes, “labor was now valued by the amount of money … Continue reading