Scrapworthy: A Definition

Scrapworthy refers to anything that is worthy of inclusion in a scrapbook.

Scrapworthy things include mementos, memorabilia, embellishments, souvenirs, ephemera, and so on. People can be scrapworthy–your family and friends. Subjects can be scrapworthy (e.g., your dog, your house, a vacation spot).

Scrapworthy also encompasses how one’s life becomes structured by scrapbooking. For instances, my time becomes scrapworthy in that I spend some of my time scrapbooking. I’ve always kept my camera close by, but since I began scrapbooking, I rarely leave home without one in case a scrapworthy moment presents itself. Eventually, you begin taking photographs differently.

Lives become scrapworthy in terms of being a subject included in a scrapbook and structured by scrapbooking (such as carrying a camera everywhere.

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