Scrapbooking Related Blog and Book Reviews [or B&B Reviews]

This entry is part 1 of 45 in the series Books & Blogs Review

Every Thursday, I will post a review of either a scrapbooking related blog or book. I have been following around 50 scrapbooking related blogs since the spring, but need suggestions, too. I am also going to review scrapbooking related books (and maybe even magazines). I rarely buy scrapbooking related books or any other books anymore. I have a few books on my shelf I may review, but they are several years old at this point. Please comment below with suggestions for blogs and books I should review. Remember, the bulk of the content on the blog or in the book should be related to scrapbooking. Or, the blog or book should be written by a scrapbooking “celebrity.” I have noticed that some of the “celebrities” are still blogging, but are not necessarily blogging about scrapbooking. Thanks for all of your suggestions!

Series NavigationB & B Review: Cathy Zielske’s Blog
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