B&B Review: Get it Scrapped!

This entry is part 14 of 45 in the series Books & Blogs Review

Each Thursday I review a book or blog related to scrapbooking.
The Review
Get it Scrapped! provides great tutorials and scrapbooking inspiration. The blog is just one aspect of the site, as classes are available for purchase.
I reviewed the blog’s posts from January 2-31, 2011. There were 18 posts. Only one post was not directly related to scrapbooking, but could still be of interest to scrapbookers (it was a post about making vintage-style brooches).
There was not one giveaway-centered post during the month, which is surprising considering this website does have scrapbooking classes available for sale. I am surprised that they did not offer any giveways for spots in any of their classes. Further investigation finds that they are moving their classes to a new classroom, so this might be why there were no giveaways. Don’t get me wrong, giveaways are fine in moderation. It is just that some blogs have more giveaways than useful content, so to not have any giveaways is refreshing.
I often link to posts from Get it Scrapped! on my Friday Scrapweb posts. I really like their monthly idea sheet for scrapbooking ideas based on the month. As I already mentioned, they also provide several tutorials. This month, they offered two tutorials on using Copic markers.
The best part of Get it Scrapped! is how nicely their homepage is organized. If you are new to their site or are looking for specific types of content, it is easy to find from their homepage and if you go to their About page, they offer a map with explanation of what readers will find in each section of their website. Overall, if you are looking for blog about scrapbooking that has educational value, then visit Get it Scrapped!

Publishers and Authors

If you are a publisher or an author and would like me to review your scrapbooking-related book or blog, please email me at stephaniemedleyrath at gmail dot com.


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