Blogging for Scrapbookers

On a whim last night, I purchased a spot in Shimelle Laine’s Blogging for Scrapbookers at Pretty Paper. True Stories. This will be my first time taking an online scrapbooking or blogging course. The course lasts three weeks and we have blogging assignments during the course, so some of my posts will be those assignments. Don’t worry, you will still get the normal content, too.

Today’s assignment is to take photo of our scrapbooking and blogging. The photo is less than stellar, but it’s the best I could do with my photography skill set and the need to get it done sooner rather than later. Oh well. Here is the photo:

Next, I am supposed to identify my intentions for taking this course. Here it goes:

  1. I want to network with other scrapbookers and other bloggers. I am still a newbie to blogging, but not so new to scrapbooking.
  2. I want to develop my own guidelines about what is blogworthy and what is not as it relates to scrapbooking. I am currently struggling with whether to include my actual layouts on this blog. My intent is not to teach people how to scrapbook, though this does occur occasionally. I am also concerned with issues of privacy. How does a scrapbooker/blogger decide what about their lives to share and what to keep private.

I would like to close by thanking you for reading this far and if you are one of my classmates, I’ll see you in class. If this is your first time visiting, here are a few ways you can support this blog. Thanks!

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