After the Trip: Scrapbook on the Road

This entry is part 9 of 37 in the series Minimalist Scrapbooking

I think the best part of creating a scrapbook for the road is that I was super-motivated to keep pulling it together as soon as I returned from our trip. We returned on a Saturday and on Sunday I was sorting through my memorabilia, adding memorabilia to my scrapbook, and journaling every single story I didn’t want to forget. The only thing missing is photos. I normally would have them printed already, but I started using Lightroom and am still learning that software. I hope to get prints ordered by the end of next week.

Three inches of memorabilia!

A 7x7 base worked great. I might make the base as tall as a brochure next time, but then it would be me more difficult to fit in my bag.

The page on the left has space for a photo. The page on the right is a newspaper clipping from a newspaper left on a seat at the airport.

Postcards work great for journaling and pocket pages are a must.

Love this scrapbook for the maps I save from our travels.

Remember how I had to go buy book binding rings because I did not have enough in the right size? Well, I added so much memorabilia that the book binding rings I bought were too small! Luckily, I found these green book binding rings in my stash and they are both the perfect size and perfect color!

Let me know what you think about my album in progress. Comment below or join the conversation on facebook or twitter.

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