10 Summer Stories

This entry is part 10 of 37 in the series Minimalist Scrapbooking

The Cover

I am working on an album containing summer stories. My focus is on telling the stories that remind me of summer. I began by brainstorming a list of the things that remind me of summer. Here are ten of those ideas:

  1. Summer projects
  2. Food
  3. Lightning bugs
  4. Eating outside
  5. Gardening
  6. Bike rides
  7. Pool
  8. New TV series
  9. Summer work schedule
  10. Reading

And here’s ten more:

  1. Festivals, fairs, parades
  2. Friends
  3. Cookouts
  4. Vacations/day trips
  5. Bare feet
  6. Evening walks
  7. Summer sounds (bullfrogs, insects, birds, cicadas)
  8. Library
  9. Hanging out at mom and dad’s
  10. Trips to the park

What summer stories do you want to tell? Comment below or join the conversation on facebook or twitter.

This post was completed as part of Shimelle Laine’s 10 Things.

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