A Week in the Life in Words

The pages I made for my Week in the Life album all have space reserved for journaling. Each evening I take a few minutes to write down the things I want to remember from the day. On Wednesday, I had made a note on a post-it note earlier in the day so that I would remember to include some information about the music we listened to that day. Yesterday, I went to my parent’s house and my daughter said something that was really adorable. I didn’t write it down and for the life of me I can’t remember what it was that she said. 🙁 I should have made better use of my iPod Touch and just made a note of it right then.

What is interesting about my journaling, is that I fill the journaling spot, no matter the size. For this reason, next time I will make sure I have a full page that can be used for journaling. If I fill it, great. If I don’t, then I can always add an embellishment or a photo or something to fill up the empty space. The thing is, is that I am not consciously cutting anything out or filling in more details, it just seems to happen that I find the words to fill whatever space I am working with.

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