Laugh Out Loud Scrapbooking

This entry is part 56 of 66 in the series My Scrap Happy Project

Each Monday, I discuss my Scrap Happy project based on The Happiness Project.

The first task to keeping a contented heart is to laugh out loud. A good way to do this through scrapbooking is to scrapbook memories that make you laugh. My guess is that it will help you laugh again while scrapbooking the story and then every time you look at that page, you will laugh again.

Originally, I thought I might have a layout complete for this post. I don’t. I’ve opted to just brainstorm some funny stories that I want to scrapbook.

  • A party after my high school graduation: We played charades. Imagine the hilarious scenarios we challenged our friends to act out. One that stands out: morning dew on a flower. Another scenario that stands out can not be shared on the blog.
  • Dorothy the Goldfish: I told my daughter she would be dressing as Dorothy for Halloween. She thought she was going to be Dorothy the Goldfish from Elmo’s World. I showed her the costume and told her about Oz, but she still says she dressed up as Dorothy the Goldfish.

Ok, that was harder than I thought. I think I need to do a better job of jotting down the funny stories shortly after they happen so I am better able to think of the funny stories later. Ok, I think I really am going to buy a 2012 Memory Logbook now. I’ve been hemming and hawing over this purchase all weekend. (And you can save 15% through today, 11/14 with the code 2012EARLYBIRD. How cool is that?)

What funny story do you need to scrapbook? Join the conversation below by commenting!

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