Books & Blogs: Elise Blaha :: enJOY it.

This entry is part 40 of 45 in the series Books & Blogs Review

Every other Friday I review a book or blog related to scrapbooking.

I learned about Elise Blaha sometime this past summer. I instantly added her site to my google reader. I reviewed her blog posts from October 4 through November 4, 2012. There were 35 posts during this time.

Most of Elise Blaha’s posts are personal. She is chronically her 26 projects that she plans to complete before her 27th birthday and her quest to bake 40 different types of breads by the end of 2011. She shares inspirational quotes as well. Another theme of her’s is DIY home decor, changes in her skincare routine, and fashion (what she wore and some favorites from the month).

As far as scrapbooking content, it is quite limited. She is a mini-book scrapbooker and does showcase those on her blog. Most posts, however, are not scrapbooking-focused.

I like Elise Blaha’s blog. It is more personal and less-scrapbooking focused than most blogs that get featured here, but I think you will enjoy what she has to say. I know I do.

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