I’m on Ella Publishing’s Take Twelve Team and a Giveaway!

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Take Twelve

I’m on Ella Publishing’s Take Twelve Team!

Each month we are committing to taking 12 photos on the 12th of the month and then create a layout of those photos.

This is my first design team. I can’t believe I just wrote that. I’m on a design team. This is one of those things that if you told me ten (heck even two) years ago that I would by on a design team, I would have said you were nuts and that is not something I’m interested in doing. Oh, how things change.

I’m still not sure what my approach might be. I think I might use my iPhone. I work outside the home and have no interest in carrying my DSLR with me to and from work. I also have a lot of iPhone photo apps that I really want to try out and experiment with. I think that this project might be perfect for this experimenting.

I’m also not sure how Take Twelve will fit in with Project Life. I’ll probably just select one photo from the 12th to add to my layout for that week in Project Life.

You can enter to win a copy of the Take Twelve Guided Inspiration Kit.

There are several ways you can enter for your chance to win:

  1. Leave me a comment below. Tell how you might approach Take Twelve.
  2. Follow @scrapworthy on Twitter. Come back here and comment to let me know you follow me on Twitter for an additional chance to win.
  3. Like Scrapworthy Lives on Facebook. Come back here and comment to let me know you like me on Facebook for an additional chance to win.
  4. Follow me on Google+. Come back here and comment to let me know you like me on Google+ for an additional chance to win.

This giveaway will close at midnight Central Standard Time (Chicago, IL, USA) on Saturday, January 14, 2012.

If you can’t wait that long, you can purchase a copy of the Take Twelve Guided Inspiration Kit for 12% savings through January 12, 2012. If you purchase (or have already purchased the kit) and you win it, Ella Publishing will refund your purchase price.

I want to quickly thank Angie Lucas, Wendy Smedley, and Elizabeth Dillow for inviting me to join the Take 12 Team. I’m really excited to join in the fun!

Series NavigationThe Winner of the Take Twelve Inspiration Kit
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