January’s Take Twelve

This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Take Twelve

I’ve decided that for most months, I will be using my iPhone for photos on the 12th. In January, I opted to stick with using Instagram and used the same filter (Toaster) for every photo. I ended up with 23 photos for the day including one screen shot of a digital coloring page my daughter took. I enlarged all my photos to 3×3 and printed at that size. I had a difficult time settling on 12 photos but decided that for this month, I would include 13, a Baker’s Dozen. My layout is inspired by one of the sketches in The Take Twelve Guided Inspiration Kit.

Left Side

Up Close of Title

Right Side

Up Close Journaling

Be sure to check out the rest of the Take 12 Design Team’s January layouts:

Like the Car
Nihao, Cupcake!
Janette Carter-Kincaid
Scrap Inspired
Scrappy Wife, Happy Life
Day by Day
Right Here-Right Now
The Scrapbooking Haven Diva
Scrapworthy Lives
People of the Scrapbook
My Little Blessings
Life is Sweet
A Swoop and a Dart
Endless Possibilities
Yeah, Write

Scrapworthy Lives is on Twitter. Are you? Follow scrapworthy on Twitter.


Series NavigationThe Winner of the Take Twelve Inspiration KitFebruary’s Take Twelve
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