Scrapbooking as Religious-Like

This entry is part 46 of 86 in the series Scrapworthy Lives Results

Each Wednesday, I write a post from my dissertation.

Last week, I talked a bit about scrapbooking and religion with a focus on actual religion.

The other interesting finding regarding religion and scrapbooking is how  some respondents had a religious-like devotion to scrapbooking and wanted “to spread the Gospel of scrapbooking.”

They mentioned reading scrapbooking magazines religiously—doing nothing else until the latest issue has been read from cover to cover.

One respondent writes in her blog religiously—easily posting two or three times a day. This works out well for her “picture-a-day” scrapbook because she uses her blog postings for a lot of the journaling.

Finally, non-Inspired Stories (pseudonym) scrapbookers describe Inspired Stories as “the cult” because of users’ devotion to using only Inspired Stories products.

Even when respondents do not scrapbook for religious reasons, they use a religious discourse to illustrate how important scrapbooking is in their life and in other’s lives.

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Series NavigationScrapbooking and ReligionThe “Who” and “What” of Scrapbooking
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