Scrapbook Ideas for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Chinese New Year, and Other January Holidays

This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series The Scrapworthy Lives Guide to Market Research

Every other Wednesday, I write a business post for the scrapbook industry based on The Scrapworthy Lives Guide to Market Research. Today’s discussion is about niche markets and should be of interest to both scrapbookers and industry workers.

Have you used The Ultimate Holiday App from Hallmark? It is free and an awesome tool for scrapbook inspiration and bare bones information about holidays you might not know much about.

If you are a scrapbooker, you might look up a date to see what is commemorated on the date to add to your scrapbook. I’d actually like to do more of this. If I have a random photo and not much to say about it, then I might talk about a holiday that is occurring on the date the photo was taken. I might even be inspired to go take a photo of something to commemorate the holiday.

If you are an industry worker, you can use this information to help your customers scrapbook holidays that might be important to them even if your knowledge of the holiday is limited. I just scrolled through the holidays that happen in January for ideas. Then I went to the Internet to find some more information on a few of the holidays to get you started. Some of the holidays are quite obvious and others are obscure and a bit of a stretch to really call holidays. What is really important for industry workers to take away from this post is that you do not have to have scrapbook-themed product in order to help your customers scrapbook these holidays. You can help customers scrapbook without themed-product if you know a little bit about the holiday they are commemorating.

New Year’s Day (January 1)
General Information
Layout Ideas

Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 16)
General information

National Handwriting Day (January 23)
General Information

Chinese New Year (January 23)
2012 is the year of the Dragon
General Information

Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day (January 31)
General Information
I could not find very many quotes about bubble wrap. My guess is that you won’t be creating a layout so much about bubble wrap, but actually using bubble wrap on your layout in some way like here or here.

Inspire Your Heart Create Art (January 31)
General Information

What January holidays do you celebrate and scrapbook? Comment below.

You can read more about niche markets in the scrapbook industry in The Scrapworthy Lives Guide to Market Research.


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